
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Senstive Skin - Choosing the Best Shampoos and Lotions

Having a baby with sensitive skin can leave you leaving the life of a private investigator. You have to go through all of the clues to figure out what is causing the problem. In my case, Ellery starts out with irritated skin then I immediately run down the list of possibilities in my mind. Is it the detergent, soup, maybe daddy's cologne? The possibles are endless, but you start with one and phase it out until you find the culprit causing the problem.

Ellery was born with the fairest skin ever - everyone says she is a red head (strawberry blond to be exact). I am still waiting to see if that holds true. But at any rate, she sure has the skin of a red head. The doctor told us not use Johnson and Johnson baby products - and man was he right. We use twice maybe and saw the flare up on her skin immediately. Well after doing some digging around, I found out why. There are a ton of ingredients in Johnson and Johnson skin products that I would never want to use on my new born - example alcohol and parabens.

So here is what I found:

Burt's Bee's baby wash and it is great 98.7% natural and organic, and honestly that was the best I could find - and you can find it most major grocery stores.  I was happy with considering the alternative products out there. BUT note to self, do NOT use their buttermilk brand on sensitive skin/eczema babies. Milk based products are horrible for kids with eczema. Trust me, we learned the hard way.

Speaking of eczema, Aveeno is hands down the best product I have found thus far for eczema. I have used natural brands from health stores, but nothing works as best as Aveeno. Now, Aveeno isn't all natural or organic, so mom's if you have found something, please post it. Aveeno does get good ratings, but again it's not perfect in terms of being all natural.

Dolphin Organics - This is a new company and I have tested their product and it's great!! It does not irritate Ellery's skin and it is 100% natural - YES! That is what I have been searching for - 100%. Because they are a new company you can't find their product in stores (unless you are on the east coast, there are few stores carrying it) - only online right now. Check them out. The lotion is great too. I use it on myself, but Ellery still needs the extra support from eczema lotions.

Have you tried something else that is natural that you love? If so, let's hear about it. :-)

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